Frequently Asked Questions
Eligibility and Application
I am an international student studying in the US. Am I still eligible to apply for the scholarship?
Yes. You do not have to be US citizen or permanent resident to apply for the Youngnak Scholarships.
I am an international student and thus, I do not have necessary tax returns or CSS financial aid profile or FAFSA report to support my financial circumstances. What documents can I submit?
If you do not have any required official documents to submit, please explain in detail about the specifics of your current financial circumstances. Your additional explanation on your specific circumstances will help us evaluate your needs better.
I am planning to enroll as part time status. Am I eligible to apply?
No. The eligibility criteria include the full time status in the coming academic years.
I received a scholarship last year. Can I apply again?
Yes. As long as you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply.
Can I submit essays in Korean?
No. Please keep in mind that the purpose of the scholarship is to recognize and promote Korean-American Christian leadership.
Academic transcript
If I’m having my transcript sent directly from my institution, how would I put my email address outside the envelope?
We use your email as a form of identification. If you have a sealed transcript, please mail them in with your email outside the envelope; however, if it’s coming straight from your institution, we will accept it without your email address.
I’m currently a first year college student. Do you require my high school transcript?
We need your most recent college transcript(s) showing your grades and also your current (spring semester or quarter) showing the classes you are currently enrolled in. Your high school transcript is not mandatory, but must enter your high school cumulative GPA under “FORM 3. ACADEMIC HISTORY”, High School section.
When is the deadline?
The deadline for RECEIPT of official transcripts or supporting documents in our office is the same as application deadline. If the mail is postmarked before deadline, we will accept. Also, only a sealed, original transcript will be accepted.
If you have attended more than one college or university, you do not need to send in multiple transcripts, provided that all attended institutions and all grades are documented on your most recent official transcript. Please keep in mind that some institutions can take up to 3-4 weeks to process your transcript.
Only candidates who have completed their online application by the deadline will be reviewed. Please forward your official transcripts and submit your online application as early as possible.
Recipient Notifications
When will the recipient be announced?
The recipients will be announced during the second week of July at (Please be sure to check The recipients will be invited to the Scholarship Banquet and Scholarship Award Service on August. Additionally, the recipients will be requested to submit an official confirmation of their full-time status. The specific instructions will be sent to your email.
How much an individual award be?
The exact amount will be determined by the number of selected recipients. We anticipate that the average individual award will be at least $1,000 for General Scholarship, Seminary Scholarship and CYL Scholarship. Rev. Ke Yong Kim Memorial Scholarship (at least $5,000 each) will be awarded and Anna Mission Group Scholarship (at least $3,000 each) will be awarded.
Dates & Deadlines
March 1st Monday: Application acceptance start
April last Friday: Application due *
July 1st Friday: Scholarship recipient announcement *
August 1st Sunday: Scholarship Banquet **
August 1st Saturday: Scholarship Service **
* It is also the deadline for RECEIPT of official transcripts or supporting documents
* Recipient annoucement and banquet dates are tentative.